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Non-Surgical Scoliosis Treatments for Adults


Treatment does not necessarily mean curing the condition. Non-surgical therapies focus more on managing scoliosis than curing it. It is advisable to consult your primary care provider before taking any steps in treating your physical condition. As professionals, we want you to prioritize your health and wellness in Old Bethpage, New York.

  • Exercise Program
    This is the most common way of managing spine curvature, especially for mild scoliosis. With the help of a licensed therapist, you can follow a well-designed exercise plan to strengthen your muscles and improve your posture. Consult with your care professional or look for telehealth services in Syosset, New York providing therapeutic care programs.
  • Physical Therapy
    Physical therapy in Melville, New York is a more comprehensive solution. From providing well-informed patient education to correcting your posture, a certified physical therapist can help in enhancing your condition without undergoing surgery. You have to make sure to look for a licensed therapist to ensure safety.
  • Chiropractic Care
    Chiropractic treatment is a more specialized type of care for scoliosis. Chiropractors are different from orthopedics in Plainview, New York. The former offers non-surgical therapy by alleviating stress and misalignment while the latter could utilize diagnostic devices and surgical techniques. Again, you have to consult your care professional before choosing what’s best for your condition.

For inquiries, don’t hesitate to reach out to our therapists here at New York Physical Therapy. Please call us at 516-433-8046, so we can further assist you. Talk to us today!

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