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Exercises That Can Keep Your Muscles Strong


When your bone health is compromised, it is advisable to keep your muscular system strong. These will serve as support to your bones. How do you keep your muscles intact? Follow these tips from Orthopedics in Plainview, New York:

  • Have a healthy lifestyle.
    Healthy eating habits and staying active can help maintain your muscles and their strength.
  • Add more protein to your diet.
    Proteins promote muscle mass. They serve as the building blocks for bones, cartilages, skin, and blood, as well.
  • Refrain from too much exercise and excessive lifting.
    Do sports, exercise, and lifting the right way and at the correct position. You might get muscle strains or tears if you don’t.
  • Visit a doctor when needed.
    When you experience pain or injury in any muscle part, do not hesitate to have a check-up. Prolonging it may cause more damages that may be irreversible. Telehealth Services in Syosset, New York, are available in case you need initial consultation.

Our muscles play a significant part in our bodies. Maintaining its Wellness in Old Bethpage, New York, can keep you going.

And when you need Physical Therapy in Melville, New York, there is only one place to go. New York Physical Therapy can help you protect and strengthen your muscular system, as well as your bones and other parts that work with them.

Visit us soon.

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